You Have Been Scammed?

Report Scams Online Now
Are you a victim of scam and want to return your money?
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Scam recovery results
  • 6 years
    Work Experience
  • 40 000
    Clients Helped
  • 95%
    Success Rate
How we work to get our customers money back
  • Step 1
    Review Your Claim
  • Step 2
    Gather the Evidence
  • Step 3
    Confront the Companies
  • Step 4
    Get Your Money Back
Why choose us
We work hard every day to make life of our clients better and happier
  • Knowledge
    • With our IT & Blockchain forensic experts, we have the necessary know-how to track down the fraudsters and the funds. Together with our specialized investment fraud lawyers, we can enforce the claims accordingly.
  • Cooperation
    We work very closely with law enforcement agencies and banking regulators to assist them in seizing your lost funds.
  • Lawyers and business investigators
    We cooperate with a number of lawyers from various fields (criminal law, banking law, tax law) and can draw on an international network.



We help businesses and ordinary people who have put their trust in scammers. Our goal is to strike back as hard as possible and save you money.

Are you a victim of scam and want to return your money?
Get A Free Consultation
What types of scams we can help you with?
  • Online Scams
  • Crypto Scams
  • Trading Scams
  • Online Job Scams
  • Forex Scams
  • Dating Scams
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Got scammed online?
Report Fraud Online Now
Important Notice

Please be advised that we are not a government agency. We operate as a non-governmental entity dedicated to providing value-added paid services for individuals seeking additional assistance.

We do not offer any form of investments, financial services, or advice. Furthermore, we do not accept customers who are United States citizens or residents.

If you are an American citizen and believe you have been a victim of a scam, we strongly encourage you to report the incident to the Federal Bureau of Investigation at